You don’t have to look far to find the words “data breach” or “cyber attack” in the news. But, with a robust security solution, you can make sure your name isn’t attached to it.
The seL4® microkernel is a cost-effective, open source solution you can use to build products on a trusted software base, and DornerWorks, a founding member of the seL4 Foundation, can accelerate your integration. We are leaders in accelerating integration of seL4 as the trusted software base for your product.
The seL4 spec and binary satisfy the classic security properties of integrity and confidentiality.
seL4 is open source, which means it’s free to download and use.
seL4’s security is mathematically proven, and supported by a growing ecosystem of developers.
Developing systems using the seL4 microkernel can be complicated. We can guide you through it, but if you’re not ready to call us for a consultation, you can still take advantage of this free series.
DornerWorks engineers will walk you through implementing seL4 on verified hardware platforms and improving your company’s security story.
This series will teach you how to: