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An Open Source Hypervisor for Aerospace
Hypervisors partition resources based on time in a device’s CPU, space in the Memory, and bandwidth in the I/O channels.
ARINC 653 is the standard which flight-certified software development must meet. DornerWorks’ Virtuosity Hypervisor does this by isolating applications to run independently of one another, each in its own virtual container called a “partition,” providing mutually-exclusive access to all necessary systems without affecting the performance of an unrelated partition.
This research demonstrates the value hypervisors provide to the aerospace industry.
Topics covered in this presentation:
- Virtualization
- ARINC 653 via open Xen hypervisor
- Flight-certified software development
- Future work
- And more…
Contributing Authors
Steve VanderLeest
Steve is DornerWorks former COO.
Steve is DornerWorks former COO.
Joshua P. Holtrop
Joshua is a former DornerWorks engineer.
Joshua is a former DornerWorks engineer.