A lot of companies struggle to develop products that align to the FACE Technical Standard without using up a significant amount of their time and resources.
DornerWorks offers Virtuosity Cloud so the barriers to development aligned to the FACE Technical Standard are drastically reduced, and you can build your products with confidence.
Based on components of DornerWorks Virtuosity OA (Open Architecture) hypervisor distribution, certified to the FACE Technical Standard.
Prototype, develop, test, and check the conformance of your software in the cloud, free from the constraints of your own hardware
Develop products knowing they can easily transition to an environment that is certified to the FACE TS like Virtuosity OA when you are ready.
DornerWorks has been helping companies build systems aligned to the FACE Technical Standard with Virtuosity OA since 2018. It can be a complex process, but Virtuosity Cloud provides the launchpad you need to develop, integrate, and deploy software components using a platform that fits your needs and budget.
Traditional avionics software components are not able to plug-and-play with each other right out of the box, and companies that want to innovate in aerospace have struggled to collaborate closely with vendors throughout the development process. They fail to identify project-killing bugs, they are blocked by component integration challenges, and they never develop components that meet the standards of portability.
Virtuosity Cloud provides a solution to these problems.