The Importance of Security by Design, And How to Make it a Part of Your Development Process

Security is an important issue with any connected device.

It can be costly to add necessary security features once a product has been launched, or even late in development. On the other hand, leaving security issues unaddressed can have worse consequences.

DornerWorks embedded engineer Ray Smith.

“As a user of something I paid money for, I don’t want to have to think about how this device might cause me trouble later on,” says DornerWorks embedded engineer Raymond Smith. “If I have a system at home that I’m relying on to protect my family or my house and it gets hacked, or if it gets compromised, or if my usage data gets leaked out to someone, those are all things that as a user I wouldn’t want.”

As a device and firmware developer, these are the types of issues that DornerWorks engineers like Smith try to prevent, reducing risk and adding confidence to each project.

Understanding system context

Security by Design starts with a robust process, which first needs to consider two important areas:

  1. The data in the system
  • The purpose of the system
    1. Principle of Minimizing Attack Surface Area

    2. The Principle of Minimizing Attack Surface Area holds that in order to minimize attack surfaces, developers should ask what their system is supposed to do, as well as what it isn’t. It’s also important to understand your attackers, or anyone who might potentially compromise your system.
      These pieces of knowledge will help you maximize your ability to detect attacks and minimize the potential for service disruptions or compromises.

      “In general, the more potential points of compromise, then the more likely it is somebody’s going to find one of them,” Smith says.

      Once development is complete, there should be a way to audit and test the system to make sure the components are working together as intended. Using the security by design mindset, these testing and auditing features are planned for up front.

    3. Principle of Least Privilege

    4. The Principle of Least Privilege is how you put users on a “need to know” basis, allowing certain access permissions, and keeping others shut out of sensitive data stores. This ensures that users have the privileges they need to do their jobs, and only those permissions, lessening the potential damage of a malicious hack.

    5. Least Common Mechanism

    6. The Principle of Least Common Mechanism advises against sharing system mechanisms among users or programs that do not require them. When those mechanisms are shared, the potential for unintended and uncontrolled information flows is increased, as is the risk for data breach.

    7. Principle of Separation of Duties

    8. The first objective of the Principle of Separation of Duties is to prevent conflict of interest (real or apparent), wrongful acts, fraud, abuse and errors. This principle ensures that individuals don’t have conflicting responsibilities, and helps detection of control failures like security breaches, information theft and circumvention of security controls.

    9. Principle of Defense in Depth

    10. The essence of Defense in Depth is planning on the eventuality that any security system you put in place is going to fail, and therefore the best approach is one that enables you to know when those failures occur, and layer security measures where necessary, from the front door of your office to the server cabinets that hold your customer data and IP.

    11. Principle of Failing Securely

    12. In line with Defense in Depth, the Principle of Failing Security also depends on the eventuality that your system will fail, hence a need to design systems that can fail without leaving systems open to attack. In order to do this, developers can base access decisions on permission rather than exclusion. The default situation should block access until the conditions of a preset protection scheme are met.

    13. Principle of Open Design

    14. The Principle of Open Design holds that security should not depend on the secrecy of the design or the implementation. A system that relies on a novel language or method so unusual that no one can currently understand it can and may still be cracked open, in which case the attacker has immediate and full access to the system. This does not mean that the source code of your products should be made public, but that your security measures should not rely on the ignorance of potential attackers.

      By ensuring a single user, process, or failure can’t bring down your whole system, and that sensitive information is protected by cryptographic systems rather than obscurity, these principles can limit the potential damage of cyber-attacks.

    Resources for security by design principles

    If you are implementing your system on a widely used platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, there are both proprietary and Open Source resources that can help guide you towards the principles of security by design.

    For web applications the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) offers similar guidance to follow, using 10 principles:

    1. Minimize attack surface area
    2. Establish secure defaults
    3. The principle of Least privilege
    4. The principle of Defense in depth
    5. Fail securely
    6. Don’t trust services
    7. Separation of duties
    8. Avoid security by obscurity
    9. Keep security simple
    10. Fix security issues correctly

    The Cyber Security Principles offered by the UK National Cyber Security Centre, are loosely aligned with stages at which an attack can be mitigated:

    1. Establish the context before designing a system – start with a good understanding of security fundamentals and take action to address any identified short-comings.
    2. Make compromise difficult – Apply concepts and use techniques that make it harder for attackers to compromise your data or systems.
    3. Make disruption difficult – Reduce downtime of critical service support technologies to zero.
    4. Make compromise detection easier – Assume your system will be compromised by a new or unknown attack, and position yourself to detect those compromises.
    5. Reduce the impact of compromise – Design to naturally minimize the severity of any compromise.

    Secure product design is important to you and your customers, and that’s why it’s important to us. Schedule a meeting with our team to discuss your next secure product or adding security to an existing system. We will help you map out a plan that turns your ideas into reality.

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